Brother Benicio first fell to the Black Rage before the battle of Raukus IV, a small planet located in the Segmentum Pacificus, and was sent into battle wearing his assault armour and jump pack. He was gifted the ancient chainsword known as Blood Screamer, and equipped with his plasma pistol he tore a bloody path… Continue reading Brother Benicio of the Death Company
Author: Tobias
Inferno pistol tutorial
Everybody knows that Inferno Pistols are the coolest weapons in Warhammer 40K, right? If your Space Marines can use them, just do it. If they can’t, you’re playing the wrong army. I’ve got Blood Angels, so I’m safe. But the problem is that there are never enough of them in the kits, so eventually you’ll… Continue reading Inferno pistol tutorial
Year in Review 2023
2023 was certainly one of the years ever. For me, personally, it was a year of great creative energy, and full-on soul-sapping dredge at the same time. I wish I had played more music and more board games, but instead I used most of my free time doomscrolling and drinking. Oh, and I built, painted,… Continue reading Year in Review 2023
Meme dump 2
Just a bunch of shit that I needed to get off my phone. Behind wall so I don’t break anyone’s phone.
Been a while since I blogged. Sold my house, moved to an apartment, bought a bunch of stuff. The usual. Here’s a cat.
The 50 most important albums, in English this time
Last year I made a list of the 50 most important albums from my life, with one song (Meeting Across the River and Jungleland belong together) from each. I think I managed to keep it to one album per band, too. There are a couple of songs missing (no streaming money for assholes) and I… Continue reading The 50 most important albums, in English this time

Har tryckt i mig lunch, fick till och med ungen att äta lite. Han ser på David Attenborough-doku om fisk, och snart ska vi till biblioteket och låna hundra böcker. Men först: kaffe.
Varde by Elegi Ice cold winds and blizzards, creaking ice, stormy waters, constant hunger, isolation, disease and death, provide the basis for the music, depicting the immensity and scale of these great white landscapes.

Mitt täcke var så rent och fint, men sedan kom Conan och var världens gulligaste katt i en hel kvart, och efteråt såg det ut så här.
Lyssnar på Robert Rich och ska läsa Solanin. Upp om fem och en halv timme.